EWN 2-152E
MAX 10,000 RPM 10
MAX 14,000 RPM MA 14,0 RP
MAX 10,000 RPM MA 10,0 RP
Wireless communication for easy readout with the KAISER app: EWE fine boring head revolutionizes fine boring process. Less operator mistakes, easier setup and a large diameter range. Accessories for EWE and EWN are fully compatible. Ø.079"-6.000" CK6 Display resolution: .00005"/Ø (.001mm/Ø) Wireless
Fine boring head with centric boring bars in modular and integral execution for accurate, high performance operations. The head comes with variable length adjustment of the boring bar and large dial disc for parallax-free readout. Ø.079"-6.000" CK6/CV40/BT40/HSK-63/C6 Resolution: .0002"/Ø Dial, .00005"/Ø Vernier
Smallest digital fine boring head with wireless communication to the KAISER app and centric boring bar. Especially manufactured for the use on small machine tools. Accessories for EWN and EWE are fully compatible. Ø.079"-1.260" CK5 Display resolution: .00005"/Ø (.001mm/Ø)
PG. 450
PG. 451
PG. 464
EWN 2-32E
EWN 04-22E
EWN 04-15E
MAX 30,000 RPM
MAX 14,000 RPM 14
MAX 20,000 RPM
Fine boring head with centric boring bar in integral, modular and screw-on execution for precise machining. Developed for 30 taper, HSK-A50 and
Short and compact boring head with an extremely rigid construction. Ø.016"-.866" CK4 Resolution: .0005"/Ø Dial, .0001"/Ø Vernier
Machining of small bores with high speeds on machine tools with spindles HSK-E32 and bigger. Ø.016"-.590" CK3/ST16 Resolution: .0005"/Ø Dial, .0001"/Ø Vernier
bigger, as well as on lathe machines with driven tools. Ø.079"-1.260" CK5/ER32 Resolution: .0002"/Ø Dial, .00005"/Ø Vernier
PG. 465
PG. 465
PG. 476
EWN 04-7E
MAX 30,000 RPM
Worldâs smallest fine boring head: body diameter of only Ø.73", the EWN 04-7E is the perfect solution for micro machining applications. Ø.016"-.273" CK1/ST6/ST10 Resolution: .0005"/Ø Dial, .0001"/Ø Vernier
Max through-tool coolant pressure is 300 psi. ! CAUTION
PG. 477
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