Static precision test bar with a focus on superb quality and accuracy. Prevents trouble through the periodic inspection of machine runout accuracy. • A high-precision test bar developed with BIG’s precise machining technology
• Periodic accuracy evaluation eliminates machining defects • Abundant variation to suit the standards of each holder
Precision Standards of BIG DAISHOWA Test Arbors Runout .002mm (.00008) Roundness .001mm (.00004) Cylindricity .003mm (.00012) Roughness Ra: .1μm (.000004) Taper Contact AT1 Diameter Tol. ±.005mm (.0002)
Aluminum Case An aluminum
case is provided to protect and store the test bars.
• BIG DAISHOWA provides high quality test bars produced under a strict quality control system
Measures dynamic runout of machine spindle during rotation. Knowing the dynamic accuracy of the machine tool spindle affected by centrifugal forces, vibrations and heat will aid in finding the appropriate cutting parameters for actual machining.
DYNA FORCE Tool clamp measuring device for measuring pulling force of machine tool spindle, a vital factor of machine tool performance. The pulling force produced by the clamping device of machine tools could deteriorate due to degradation of disc springs or wear of the components of the amplifier. Pulling force is especially vital when it comes to dual face contact spindle interface, thus regular inspection is recommended.
Plate Springs
Only One Display for All Taper Sizes
Application Advice The spindle is the most essential part of a machine tool. Maintaining the accuracy of the spindle is almost equal to extending the life of the machine tool itself. Even periodical inspection of the runout accuracy makes a difference. 30 40 50 TYPE : DFA-1 測定器毎の感度校正登録が必要です。 測定時はスイッチを「MEAS」に入れ、「kN」表示にしてください。 It is necessary to calibrate each measuring device. Select[MEAS] position and indicate [kN] on the display before starting measuring.
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